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Eric Wicklund

New member
Ok It's finally going to get to 30 deg's for the weekend & Im thinking of putting two butts on for New Years day.

The low might be around 15-20. Think over night cooking will stay to temp? I plan on using Royal-Oak.

Any ideas?

Im putting 2 8 pounders on at 5:00 on thurs the 30th. I have no doubts all will be well for a new years eve feast. The 31st im making baby backs for lunch and grilled wings for an evening snack. Glad to see im not alone here in MN. One tip is to use something to insulate your cooker if you want to the cook to go uneventful overnight in the cold. I plan on using an EZ-UP and 3 of the 4 zip in sides to keep the predicted precipitation away. No worries! Are you using Royal Oak Briquets or lump? I haven't used either so I am more curious than anything. Just a whole heaping helping of kingsford for me (sams has it cheap I might add) Good luck with cook, Happy new years!
I'm not too far away from Minnesota being here in Michigan, and I am also going to be putting on a couple butts for New Year's Eve. I'm going to put them on about 10:00 PM Thursday using the Minion method in conjunction with my newly acquired BBQ Guru and Smoking Jacket.

Should be a good time .....

Minnesota? We call that Baja Canada!

You'll use more fuel than in the summer but your overnighter will be fine if you keep your Bullet out of the wind as much as possible. The wind is a bigger enemy than the outside temperature.

I did three overnight butts on Christmas. It was kind of a Currier & Ives scene with the snow falling and the WSM chugging away.

Enjoy your weekend!

I plan to use Briquets. Im guessing you get your ribs at Sams? Anywere else? Maybe I should just bring my butt's to your place ;-)

Ever need a second smoker for a party just ask!
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