Minion Method's Affect On Cooking Time?


Joe L

TVWBB Member
According to the Minion method instructions, immediately after putting the burning coals on the unlit charcoal and assembling the WSM, one should put on the meat.

Based on my experience, after assembling the WSM, it takes about 30 minutes for the temperature to reach 225.

If a recipe calls for, say, 5 hours at 225-250, when using the Minion method, should you add the 15 to 30 minutes or so to the 5 hour cooking time to account for the time the meat wasn't cooking in the 225-250 range?

I realize that one shouldn't rely on recipe cooking times but should check for doneness, but let's forget that for the purpose of this question.
Joe, when I use the clay saucer mod, my temp went to 250 immediately after dumping my lit coals. I would go ahead and add food at start. If you lift the lid to add the food later, you are jsut going to lower your temp anyway. Just my .02

I'm using a clay saucer. I put my lit coals on about a half hour ago and the temp is just now getting to 225. We're apparently doing something different.

I started with all vents open and around 20 lit briquettes. I'm using a Redicheck ET-73 under the top grate. When I assembled my WSM, the temp was in the 150's. Are you saying that at this point your WSM temp was already at 250?

The temp got to 200 in about 20 minutes for me.

So, I'm wondering if the time under, say, 200-225 should be added to a recipe's cooking time.
If you're looking at 5 hours, at temperatures that can vary anywhere from 225 to 250, then that 5 hours is just a ball park estimate anyway. Logically, I think you can assume that you'd add maybe 15 minutes to account for the time it takes to reach your cooking temperature. On the other hand, if you didn't put the meat in the smoker until it reached 225 or 250, and it took 5 hours from that point, then by putting it on immediately you'll still be finished sooner.

