Mini ranch ash catcher ideas


Dustin Flavell

So been thinking on what to do with the ashes for the mini ranch kettle. I left the 4 uprights that hold the ash pan for the RK when I cut it down to build the MRK. I wanted to leave them but the ash bucket is a serious pain to get clear of the uprights. Below is a picture of the two side by side. The purpose wasn't to make the MRK look identical to the RK but I was hoping to be some what close.

What do you think should I get rid of the ash catcher apparatus and find a heavy pan that will fit and set on the uprights or should I just cut those uprights off and make dumping the ashes easier? If I keep the ash catcher should I paint the holder black or keep it silver? I have a black catcher attached to a silver holder on my performer so all I would need to do is paint the holder and swap the performers to the MRK. Thoughts?
I would cut them uprights and get em out the way, and paint the ash catcher pan black.
I did that on my OTG and it's still holding up after 5 yrs.
OBTW that is one sweet mod!
well, Dustin.... i can not think of a better reason NOT to send that unit to me and I'LL take a look at it... THEN,....
decide what should be done.

At this point, i'm "on the fence", so I'll really need it here to come up with a logical, time-saving and semi-professional decision.

...and I'm sure you'll understand.
I would cut them uprights and get em out the way, and paint the ash catcher pan black.
I did that on my OTG and it's still holding up after 5 yrs.
OBTW that is one sweet mod!
This X 1000 ^^^

If you're painting, don't paint the ring (holder), paint the ash pot.
Leaving the entire ash management system unpainted is cool, as well.
Justin I understand that you wanted it to stay original as possible, so is my sense. I do not care for the ash dish as it allows the ashes to get blown around while cooking on winding days.

I think the ash pan serves a very good purpose so I vote as Tim did to remove the uprights and paint the cleaned up areas and the ash pan.

I am going to make one of these as soon as I can locate a good 26er on CL.

