Memorial Day Brisket


Larry Powers

TVWBB Member
This is my first brisket. It went on at 11:45 PM. I set the PitmasterIQ for 225 watched it till 12:30 AM and went to bed. First check shows the temps holding well and the meat at 152 degrees. The PitmasterIQ has to be the best thing I have purchased for the WSM.

At 8:00 this morning the WSM is still holding temp and the meat is at 174. There is hope for some good eats later today unless the BBQ gods throw a last minute curve ball at me.

Those ATC's make it a lot easier. I have the Guru DX2 and it does a great job.

Yes, I have enough experience with my PitmasterIQ that I was comfortable going to bed an hour and a half after lighting the smoker.
Pulled the brisket at 197 based on a tooth pick test. The flats in the cooler and the point is now chopped and back on the smoker for burnt ends.
Great job on the brisket and I have read and watched many videos on the Pitmaster IQ's and others to make it where I have it on my wish list.

