Meat prices



Today I went to Sam's Club in Grand Rapids Mi on 28th St. I picked up 4 whole 5 pound tyson chickens and 3 racks of baby back ribs for 42.00 Is this a good price?
how much were the racks on their own (sans chicken) and how much did they weifh. Sounds like a pretty good deal, but not really sure what the rib cost was. That's the biggest
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Brian Weatherly:
Today I went to Sam's Club in Grand Rapids Mi on 28th St. I picked up 4 whole 5 pound tyson chickens and 3 racks of baby back ribs for 42.00 Is this a good price? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hard to tell depending on the price of each, but I think in general you paid less than I would for the same thing (excluding specials). Usually, a good deal on whole chickens for me is $1.00-1.25 lb. BB are usually about $4.50/lb, but do come down to $3-3.50. Spares are almost always $2.38 at my local grocery store (food for less, a discount chain) but MUCH more at "nice" grocery stores (i.e. safeway, Nugget, Raleys).
Up here in NE Mass, I've been paying between .79-.99/lb for fryers, and roasters start at about .99/lb. Ribs have been holding steady at about 2.39 /lb, but every now and again I'll find some for 1.99/lb I don't bother with baby backs, I think there is too little meat on 'em. The only place I bother with for brisket is Wally World. Most supermarkets don't carry packer cuts, and the trimmed stuff they have is usually between 3-5 bucks/lb. I'm also damned lucky that my supermarket doesn't carry much in the way of 'enhanced' product either. No doubt that will probably change sometime in the near future.
sorry about the individual prices

.79 per pound of chicken
3.50 per pound of baby back ribs

As for whole chickens at my local supermarket whole chickens are going for about 2+ dollars a pound. Its all that Sanderson farms chicken. The stores in my area barely ever have rib sales.
Brian - that is a good deal. Chickens can be found for a little cheaper, but chicken is so cheap anyway.

I bought baby backs from Sam's in TN last week and they were 3.78 a lb, so you got a better deal than I did!
Seems about the same as here in California; 3 racks of bb depending on weight will come in around $35 ($3.99 per pound) and a whole 5 lb chicken around $5.

