Hello Rita --
Well, I hope that it is time to put this Turkey breast thing to rest. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
I finally got ahold of Shake this morning and broached the subject of injection quantities for the Turkey breast.
He finally fessed up to having published more than one version of his injection techniques. I guess it is the age thing, as he used to have a job babysitting Stogie! So, you can plainly see that he goes back aways!
So, here's what Shake had to say -- "OK, whatever." Meaning, he has finally settled on using 2 oz per breast (that is for a breast half? or one side?) So, for the Total Breast Area, use 4 oz! Period! Unless you are like me and use 4 oz per side/half/breast. (Don't look now, but that's 8 oz for the total breast/chest area -- 16 oz per bird. Whew, there; I've said it!
Does it make sense? I thought not! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif