Meat for Sale out of Truck


Robert High

New member
Not sure if anyone has had this happened to them but I was sitting out on my front porch when a guy jumps out of a delivery truck and asks if I want to purchase some "fantastic" meat from him. He said they would sell it to me at a great price. I declined because something told me not to go for it. Is this some sort of con job or just really poor quality meat people or looking to dump on some "sucker"?
I would not buy it! May have come from CHINA!!
or Denmark, theres some stores that sell baby back ribs at a very low price. They are "BAD", don't even know if they are "pork". Bought some one time and threw them "OUT"
When I took the food safety course a few years ago, the instructor told us to stay away from perishable food sold out of a truck. She said there was no way to know if they followed food-safe procedures. She said the worst was the "fresh" shrimp being sold at the liquor store parking lot. How in the sam hill are you going to get shrimp from the coast to Madison, Wisconsin and have it be "fresh?" At best it was frozen--at least that would be safe, but how is that better than buying supermarket shrimp?
Funny you should mention this. That has happened to me and my neighbors twice in the last year. The "salesmen" where a little dodgy...and kept on pitching the meat (frozen steaks, etc.). I think they said it was "excess" from a store or something. These guys didn't even have a refridgerated truck or anything (i.e. Schwans), they were just driving around in a honda. Needless to say, we didn't buy any...but they sure poured on the sales talk.
Had some guy do the same to me, they were selling a package of different cuts of vacuum sealed meat, I may still have the guy's card so I can post the name of the company to see if it rings a bell with anyone else this has happened to.
There's a guy in our area who does this - no bull about being "excess". He lives in the area and I think he does it for a living. My boss has purchased from him. Last time he came around, I gave it a shot. Although the price per pound for the assortment was OK (about $4), I can't say I'm very impressed with the meat. It's OK, not great.

I wouldn't do it again.
Wonder if these are the same guys who jumped out of the truck and offered to either re-roof the house or pave the driveway for me?
I've had these 'meat venders' try to 'hook me up' a number of times. Its always the same old story... extra stock, need to sell or the boss will fire em... ect. ect. I think its a load a BS... 'course thats just my opinion...
First thing that comes to mind is out of date meat.
I'll stick to BJ's
I have not had that happen to me.

I have seen several instances of the people selling speakers out of a van. After you have it happen a few times you can spot them a mile away. 2 people in usually a white work type van. The kind that doesn't have any windows beyond the doors. Driving through parking lots of malls of some type. The rider is looking around and constantly pointing people out to the driver. The last time it happened I spotted them when I pulled in. They went the opposite way that I was going so figured I was in the clear. I pulled into a KFC for some lunch. Wouldn't you know when I shut my door I looked around and there they were.

There is a company here in my area that sells frozen food. You will see a pickup with a freezer in the bed of the truck. I don't know the name of the company though. I always have to laugh when I see one. Someone told me Ickey Woods former Bengal was doing that back in the '90's. Actually it has been a while since I have seen a truck with a freezer. Maybe they aren't around anymore.
Originally posted by Joel Kiess:
There's a guy in our area who does this - no bull about being "excess". He lives in the area and I think he does it for a living. My boss has purchased from him. Last time he came around, I gave it a shot. Although the price per pound for the assortment was OK (about $4), I can't say I'm very impressed with the meat. It's OK, not great.

I wouldn't do it again.

This was my experience.
I had some tool approach me and another lady when I lived in an apartment complex in Nashville. Really pushing chicken. Wanted to come into one of our kitchens and microwave a piece of chicken to see how moist it cooked up in the microwave. That was enough to turn me off right there.
Originally posted by Jeff S:
Wanted to come into one of our kitchens and microwave a piece of chicken to see how moist it cooked up in the microwave. That was enough to turn me off right there.
And probably scope out your place to see what kind of stuff you had!

A couple of years ago I had a semi-local pig farmer come to the door with a price list so I think he was legit. Didn't have a freezer at the time, though, so I didn't give it any consideration.

Same story here with the pushy 'dude' selling "good stuff man."

After saying I don't buy meat off the street 4 times he went along. About 5 minutes later I hear my neighbor yelling "NO and get the hell outta here!"

I walk around and there's the same 'dude' hightailing it outta there. I call the cops, the guys don't have a license to sell meat product.

I would like to start one of these companies and advertise 'meat delicacies' with the company name being 'Caveat Emptor.'
In our area there is a company, Horizon Food I believe, that run around in their trucks from neighborhood to neighborhood trying to sell "quality frozen meats, prepared food, etc." They seem to be like a Omaha Steak that delivers, or Schwanns. I can not comment on quality, but several neighbors buy from them. I must say, the salesman was aggressive.

Q'n, Golf'n & Grill'n.... too many choices!
Umteen years ago I worked in a local pub and some guy pulls up in a chevy S-10 with a dry ice cooler in the bed. He's selling prime shell steaks for cheap. I buy half a dozen and take them home where I live with four other guys. We cook them up and I have to tell you they didn't taste bad........but they were kinda mushy, like they'd been frozen/thawed and re-frozen. Nobody got sick and I'm sad to say that was probably the best meal we ate all week
I don't think I'd ever bye meat from a truck again.

