Margaritas anyone?


John K BBQ

TVWBB Wizard
Just wanted to share this awesome video by Chef Rick Bayless on margarita making.... I never really thought about "types" of margaritas before and why I like some more than others, and why someone might pick Grand Marnier over Cointreau and etc.. so this video was kind of eye-opening to me, and of course makes me want to make some Margs. I should try to get better at Margs in general because it's one of the few cocktails that my chardonnay loving wife will drink. I hope you enjoy the video, and of course, if you have a Marg recipe that you enjoy, please share!

Love that video....avid Margarita drinkers (we just sold our condo in Mexico this year :( ) and always love picking up a few new tidbitsof info. His explanations were excellent!
Just wanted to share this awesome video by Chef Rick Bayless on margarita making.... I never really thought about "types" of margaritas before and why I like some more than others, and why someone might pick Grand Marnier over Cointreau and etc.. so this video was kind of eye-opening to me, and of course makes me want to make some Margs. I should try to get better at Margs in general because it's one of the few cocktails that my chardonnay loving wife will drink. I hope you enjoy the video, and of course, if you have a Marg recipe that you enjoy, please share!

Do you want a frozen fruit one, blended?
John, thanks for the video, loved it. Big fan of Rick Bayless and in my younger days, big fan of Margaritas.

Came across a recipe today for a drink called "Hot Lips Margarita". Basically, just like the one Rick made, but add 5 thin slices of hot peppers of your choice to the blender before shaking. Printed in "Barbecue" by Chris Schlesinger & John Willoughby pub.2008.
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You read my mind Brett, dang right I want one!
2 cups frozen mango
Juice of 2 limes
Tequila - I add around 10+ shots. Do what u want and we like them strong
8 tsp sugar
2 cups ice
Water to top it all off so solids are just covered by all liquids

Blend and enjoy.
Get's pretty dang hot where I live - need that blended Marg recipe in my back pocket. If I use have the sugar and 2x the tequila and drink it on a 95F day while smoking a 17lb brisket, can I get my man card back??
Get's pretty dang hot where I live - need that blended Marg recipe in my back pocket. If I use have the sugar and 2x the tequila and drink it on a 95F day while smoking a 17lb brisket, can I get my man card back??
Technically it doesn’t need azucar. Just some frozen fruit isn’t ripe thus not sweet enough. Add as little or as much you want. Just don’t cheap out on the tequila. We like Kirkland Anejo for mixing.
Get's pretty dang hot where I live - need that blended Marg recipe in my back pocket. If I use have the sugar and 2x the tequila and drink it on a 95F day while smoking a 17lb brisket, can I get my man card back??

Well, taking into consideration that 95F is approaching death penalty temps to a Northern Canadian (i.e. me), I'll step back and just put another beer on ice, shut up, and give you your icy cocktail!
Well, taking into consideration that 95F is approaching death penalty temps to a Northern Canadian (i.e. me), I'll step back and just put another beer on ice, shut up, and give you your icy cocktail!
102° this past Wednesday. We started dinner with these margs. 💪
What about my post? Is it too "manly"? lol

That is RIGHT up my alley!! I am going to be trying that with my next marg mix night! I used to drink a lot of micheladas in MX and our bartender had a knack for making them just spicy enough to make you worry, buy not enough to stop you from ordering them.

