Marathon on Sunday


Stacy Hudson

TVWBB Member
So, after a test run of my picnic ham cut I have determined the flavor that I want for my work competition chili. Now my plan for my Sunday momma smoke time is... one 7lb picnic ham with a sweeter injection but a fairly spicy and deep flavored rub, two pork butts for dinner stock for my family and the family of a chili cook off teammate, and jalapenos for chipotles. And a third of a pork loin stuffed with dressing, wrapped in a bacon weave for consumption during the making of the chili for the comp. Chose to attach turkey at a later date due to space issues on my 18.5.

Gonna be in my happy place all afternoon, the staggered times will keep me on my toes, and I am going to have all sorts of smokey goodness to enjoy. Lets hope for a less windy day!!! And of course I will post pics - can't wait!!!!!
I've run my share of marathons (the 26.2 kind), but your day sounds like more work! Have fun with it, and I look forward to the pictures.
I have few pix because I was not only scrambling with the various cook times. All pork turned out well.......both for the chili and the the freezer stock. The loin made for a tasty dinner as well. The crazy came from having a swimming lesson for the kiddo with a girl scouts meeting figured into the time

