Maple Leaf Charcoal

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Mark Schnell

TVWBB Member
I was lamenting the fact that Kingsford is not as easily available in Toronto. I saw Maple Leaf charcoal in the stores, but not being familiar with it I turned my nose up at it. Then after reading here and other places on the web that it is great stuff I bought a few bags. WOW, this stuff is amazing. I have never had a problem with Kingsford, but when I started the Maple Leaf briquets on my Performer it didn't smell like charcoal burning it smelled like a campfire! I was also amazed at how little ash was left over after my most recent cook with it. I'm hooked. Since I hear that it's not available in stores in the US anymore I'll have to start taking over a few bags every time I go back to my cabin in Michigan. When I finish my degree here and move back home in a few years I want to have a good supply of this stuff.

The comparison shot is between Maple Leaf briquet and a Royal Oak Ridge briquet.

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