Another update:
I assembled the Kettle Pizza.
I couldn't get the Dough Joe out of the cabinet though! I'd never used it before. But it was stuck to the bottom of my cabinet. I couldn't move it.
I tried looking for things to get under the steel, so I could pry it a little.
But nothing would go under.
Finally, I remembered the hook hole.
I took a butter knife and put it in the hole. It easily moved then. I don't know why it was stuck or why it wouldn't move before.
When I put it back in the cabinet, it was easily moveable again.
It also looks like the Dough Joe will fit in the Kettle Pizza:
(1st pic is of the stuck Dough Joe).
But, the pizza peel will not fit.
I'm going to have to contact steel trimmers to shave off 1/2 an inch on each side, if not 3/4" of an inch. The peel is 16" wide. Due to the way the Kettle Pizza mouth curves, I can't get a 16" wide peel in.
So, the pizza using the Kettle Pizza is on hold for a little bit.
It's too late to return the peel, and it wouldn't be worth it to pay for packaging + return shipping anyways for that.