Making Chipotle on a WSM???


Marlen Owens

New member
Has anyone tried making their own chipotle on their WSM? I have a bumper crop of jalapenos every year and would like to consider this as a use for some (many) of them. I saw a reference to chipotle in this thread, but did not see any results for jalapeno smoking. I noticed some pictures of smoked habaneros, but no details.
If anyone has tried this, I would love to know any details: technique, wood type, smoke time, etc. If this has been covered before, I apologize (new to the forum) - just point me to the thread.
Thanks for any help.
I did some a week ago and posted info and pics in this thread.

I've done them by building and maintaining a small fire instead of using the hotplate. Goal to keep under 200F but I wouldn't sweat brief periods of hotter. You could also go get a bag of ice and keep ice water in your water pan, but I had no problem with fire control approach and a dry water pan in ambient temp of 50ºF.

It's a good idea to put the peppers on something instead of the grate, they can fall through.

I've used hickory or pecan, both are good choices.

I almost never see red japs at the store so I have to use green ones.

