Making Burnt Ends out of the point


Scott J

New member
I'm hoping some of you more experienced smokers can give me some tips. I have smoked about 15 brisket flats so far but never the full brisket with the point attached. This weekend that is going to change....I want to try a full Brisket. More importantly...I want to try to cook Burnt Ends. I have read some of the threads on this site and it sounds like when the flat is done I take it off....cut off the point, and return the point to the grill for another 1-4 hours. My question do I know when the point/ends are done? By temparature? Feel? Time? I have seen other recommendations that say to cut the point up into cubes and place into a foil pan with sauce back on the smoker. Any help/advice/tips you could give would be appreciated.
Scott, I just did my first brisket in over a year for the Super Bowl (I only do packers). Normally I did as you said (separated the point from the flat at about 170). Foiled the flat, and put the point back on the smoker for something like 2-3 hours. Well this time (on advice from others here). I still took it off the smoker at 170, but this time I foiled the entire brisket (point and flat) with some beef broth and put it in the oven until about 200 degrees. Then I pulled it out and separated the point. I tightly double wrapped the flat in foil and put in the microwave and packed the microwave with towels for about 2 hours. I then cubed the point, put in two cake pans, added more rub and put back on the smoker for about an hour and a half.

All my other briskets were either good flats and not so good burnt ends, or great burnt ends and not so great flats. Well this time both were I collected the drippings of the brisket, and added some beef broth and red wine as well as some spiced to make a great aus jus. Again, it was awesome and I'm really looking forward to doing another one soon. Good luck!

Thanks. I like how easy that question: You mention foiling and putting in the microwave? The two wouldn't seem to go so well together?
It is the same as foiling and putting in a cooler to rest...I just used the microwave so I didn't have to get the cooler down (I was being lazy).

