Make your own Smoked Turkey Breast Lunch Meat

Looks like a winner. I have tried different approaches on turkey breasts, and I have found out that I get the best results when I cook the breast sous vide, cold smoke it, and then char it over a very hot propane burner.
Super juicy, and full of flavor. As Mr. Biesinger says, go by weight when you brine it.

To be frank, I would have liked the hot smoking method on the WSM as the best method, but after several tries, it is not the best approach for me. So, sous-vide it is. It's very satisfying to be able to make a large amount of very cheap lunch meat, better than you can buy at the store, without any other add-ons than spices and salt. :)

As others have mentioned, a decent slicer is a money-saver. My rather humble unit has payed for itself several times. A smal hint- even a new factory-sharpened blade can be made much sharper..

I'm not trying to hijack this post, but just a link to one of my first tries, including a cow's tounge. It's even more tasty than turkey!
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Looks great Gary. Bet you enjoyed that all week! Love doing Turkey and roast beef for sammies and love the chefs choice slicer.

