So I am pretty tough on grills. I grill 2-3 whole quartered chickens every 4-5 days. I used to burn off the grease by running it on full for 20 minutes at the end. That seemed to cause the firebox to warp on the bottom. The bottom edge looked wavy and the drip tray would keep falling straight down. I just did a major rehab by just buying another grill off craigslist (I got one that had a rusted cart but good parts) and swapping out the firebox and drip tray. I am not sure if I could just pound the old one back into shape with a hammer and block of wood. Getting the firebox mounting bolt out was a PITA I tried hitting it with a hammer, dissolving the rust with ammonia, using a propane torch, finally I hacksawed it flush on the inside and drilled the rest out and replaced the bolt with a new one and wingnut.
Anyways the cart bar on the left hand side of the firebox is starting to rust I will probably need to take it to a welder in a year or two. I've seen a couple threads on this.
Any tips?
Anyways the cart bar on the left hand side of the firebox is starting to rust I will probably need to take it to a welder in a year or two. I've seen a couple threads on this.
Any tips?