Maiden Voyage


Chris SnB

New member
First cook on my new 22.5.

Butt on at 6:25am...cruising along


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Good Luck Chris - I hope you love your new baby as much as I do mine! For photos, put the link to your photo between these tags "
" (without the quotes), or easy way is to click the "Insert Image" icon from the menu bar (2nd row of icons).

And I agree on the coffee, I'm on my 3rd cup already!
I can't get the photo to link from dropbox, guess it doesn't work from there. I did post a link though.

So far so good, holds temp like a champ. Going on 8 1/2 hours w/o reloading of coal. So different from my old offset smoker. I was on that thing every 2 hours throwing coal in and every 1/2 an hour adjusting the vents to keep temp.
New smokers are so pretty! Agree with you on holding temps! Before my WSM I used the 22.5 performer with a smokenator - thought that was the coolest thing at first but then got sick and tired of checking water and coals every hour (for 10-12 hours straight), and constantly fiddling with vents. With the WSM, it was significantly better....and with the Digiq it's totally hands off for at least 12 hours at a time. I love this setup.

I'm did an overnight cook for a local gathering and just returned home to one HECK of a mess to clean up, both inside and outside! :) I noticed a bird targeted my WSM sometime this afternoon. ewww. I've got to stop feeding those flying poopers.
Thanks, first trip was a 7.5 lb Boston butt and even threw a handful of sausages on for the last couple of hours
I'd say it was a terrific success. Unfortunately didn't take a single pic of the end product. I had a bunch of hungry people sitting at the table practically banging their forks chanting "food! food! food!"
Easily one of the better butts I've made taste wise but I took it a bit too far with the internal temp. Didn't have a digital leave-in therm (ie. maverick) so I had to run out and stab it with my pen them every once in a while. The mav is on my xmas list ;) .

It really is an amazing piece of equipment, if/when I get myself an ATC like the ique or partyq, I'll almost be too easy.
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Got the image to work but still seems I'm doing something incorrect. The difficulty seems to be on the dropbox side of things. The "share link" they give doesn't show up as is and needed to be modified to make it appear in-post.

Sorry I didn't snap a few pics of this cook, I'll try to remember in the future.
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