I received additional parts from Bryan (special thanks). Ralph, I got the extra BS170 for Q1 or Q2 and the Inductor. I intend to install them if/when it is necessary. But, for the sake of troubleshooting and identifying whatever issues I may have, I have only installed the new FQU MOSFET in Q3, so far. When the problems are corrected, I believe my issues will be beneficial to others. So, I want to be able to identify the source of my problem, if possible.
So, after installing the new FQU MOSFET, my current issue is that every time I connect the red lead of the servo to the green/white 5v lead of the cable, the HM buzzer beeps, LEDs flash and everything kinda goes crazy. I think the Pi is rebooting, too. With the fan connected, but without the servo being connected, it's all good. I can put the fan in manual mode and ramp the fan speed up and down. But, if I try to connect the servo to the cable, everything goes nuts. I tried a spare servo that I have and get the same results. The servo motors do start moving when I touch the wires.
I checked voltage on the cable and I am getting 4.97v on the green/white lead and .14v on the green. The servo and fan share the blue ground.
This next part should probably be a new thread because it has nothing to do with the servo problems. Bryan, just tell me if you want me to start a new thread with the following. Anyway, before I could start testing my new MOSFET, I ran into wifi issues. I'm wondering if the wifi problems aren't an issue with the latest image because the only way I was able to work around it was to install an older image. Here's the details on that:
Heatermeter Steps (wifi issues - worked around):
- Right after getting the new MOSFET installed and rebooting, I cycled through the menu using the buttons to get to manual fan mode
- Somehow it started resetting the config, I don't know if I pressed the "Next" button too quickly or what, all I know is it said, "Resetting config..."
- After it rebooted, the thermocouple reading was off because it had been reset to thermister
- While resetting it back to thermocouple, the web gui informed me that no root password was set
- I tried resetting the passwd via the GUI, but it wouldn't let me
- I tried via SSH. It said file system was read only
- So, I updated the linkmeter firmware
- Still couldn't reset via webui
- Decided to go to wiki and download the most recent OS image
- Installed it and put my Wifi settings in the config.txt, just like I did before, but it kept ignoring my settings.
- I tried re-imaging 2 or 3 times, once with "zcat", once with "dd" and rebooted into Windows used Win32 Disk Imager. I fought with it for a long time.
- Finally I decided to put my older image on, put wifi settings in config.txt and Wifi worked first boot