Made a mistake


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I was Cleaning my webers and sprayed them with degreaser. I sprayed my performer and then mini. By the time I got to the mini it he degreaser dried :mad: . I washed it but now has a white haze. :(

How can I repair this??? :confused:

Thank you.

There's a metal polish called AutoSol that I use for really tricky problems. It is abrasive, but even finer than 0000 steel wool. Good luck.
Who cares! The Weber Kettle is a tool to food greatness. Look at it as being bummed on scratching your hammer. I know everyone wants to keep their stuff nice. If you use it alot and throw out some kind eats. Everyone will still have grill envy!
It worked. Finally got to cleaning it.

Sprayed with Mr. clean all purpose cleaner and steel wool.

Thanks everyone for your advice.


