

Corey Elks

TVWBB All-Star
never used lump before.
always k. If i use lump in my wsm do i not need to add smokewood? My thinking is lump is wood so if a add wood chunks to it, it would overpower. .... am i thinking this right
In general, lump will burn hotter, produce less ash, and not burn as long as K. I have not experienced any more smoke flavor using lump than with K. I add wood chunks just as if I were using K.
Go ahead and add a little wood,even with the lump. Lump is charred wood. Just not processed into briquettes. It will give off some smoke flavor,as will K,but a little more won't hurt. Just don't overdo it. HTH
thanks for the info.
Some lumps are more neutral than others, partially because they're made of different wood and partially because some companies are more consistent about really making sure there aren't any bits in there that didn't really get carbonized. If you buy cheap lump and see some pieces that aren't black, they're more woody or streaky, and it puts off smoke, that's what's going on.
Sometimes I don't use smoke wood at all (flavoring wood, as I like to call it). Especially with lump because I think lump lends its own flavor to the food all by itself.
I'll use it sparingly with K and thats only to mask the start up smoke.
What I try to acheive is a full charcoal base that is all glowing hot coal before I put the food on. Then, I add flavoring wood and add or stoke when required. Like I said "I try to acheive". I'm still working on the mechanics of it.
Lump will not 'burn hotter' than K under the typical restricted air conditions of a WSM; it will heat to whatever point it does based on your vent settings so is therefore controllable. With quality lump I get burn times that easily meet or exceed the burn times of K. (One must be sure to pack the ring well.)

