Same as someone else posted on here... I saw the Kamado Joe on demo at Costco right before this past Xmas and they had 30 lb. bags of their Kamado Joe Big Block lump charcoal for what I want to say was $21. Went home and did the first cook, went back the very next morning and bought 3 more bags after I saw online that next roadshow wouldn't be for months. It averages out to about .70 cents per lb. and is phenomenal.
HUGE chunks, little-to-no smoke that comes off as it lights, hot and consistent burn and imparts a nice flavor on its own. I pour some into a bag I keep in my Performer Charcoal bin and throw it on the floor a few times to actually make the chucks smaller (like tennis ball size). I will use his charcoal for as long as it's available to consumers.