Lump Charcoal


George M.

New member
Hi all,

Can someone recommend some lump charcoal?

What brand of lump charcoal do you use?

Who sells it?

Or should I just stick to BBQ Briquettes?

Down here in Australia we don't get that big a selection

I have a
57cm one touch weber with
Cajun Bandit Conversion Kit and
The DigiQ DX with 10cfm fan
and wanting to do long slow cooking

I use a 22.5 WSM with a digiq dx and a 10 cfm fan. Our setups are similar in regards to the equipment we both use.
As I always say, my input is just an opinion, and not gospel since I always learn from reading other folks input.
I like Royal Oak lump charcoal, but I only use it in my kettle grills for hot searing fires when I want a ribeye steak cooked fast on the outside and rare inside. The fire from lump is perfect for this high/hot heat method. I lite the lump with a propane weed burner so I get a quick hot fire before the lump burns off quickly.
For low and slow cooks at 225 degrees in my WSM, I am a firm believer in charcoal briquettes. Stubbs is my normal favorite but when Kingsford Blue is the K on sale, I dont mind that either. I can cook 4 butts on my WSM at 225 degrees with a full ring of charcoal which is around 15-18 pounds.
Lump may perform in a similar way during a cook, but since it is so light and airy, it may require refilling since it may be hard to get 18 pounds of lump in the charcoal ring all at once.
For the WSM doing low and slow cooks, I put my money on briquettes. BTW...I like to sleep at night and don't want to be fiddling around filling fast burning lump charcoal....LOL
I use Royal Oak lump and I usually get it at WalMart. That being said, for me the worst part about using Royal Oak Lump is when I run out...cuz that means I gotta go back to WalMart
Love using it - hate going to buy it.

I also use Stubbs and usually stock up when it goes on sale at Lowe's. Unlike with Kingsford that usually goes on sale around the BBQ holidays, Lowes puts Stubbs on sale at odd times of the year. So I usually check periodically to see when its on sale. Then I'll usually buy 4 or 6 bags depending on the circumstances.
George, the only reason I'd use lump in your set-up is IF you're having problems with ash clogging the kettle vents. If not, I'd stick to briqs as Morrey suggested. I no longer mess with lump in my wsm, but love it for grilling steaks and anytime I'm basting chicken over the coals.
Hello George and Welcome to the Madness!

I would try here:

Naked Whiz

In my opinion he has about the best non-biased reviews of charcoal anywhere. Hopefully at least a couple of the ones he's reviewed will be available in Australia.


