Lower vent wings are bent on my 22.5 OTG



New member
I've had this kettle for about 10 years and it has given me great service. It appears that the wings on the vents are not closing off the vents anymore. My fault for having to much gunk at the bottom of the bowl after too many wings with the Vortex and ribs..

Can these be bent back into shape or is it advisable to replace them?

Plano? I lived and there from 1989-april of this year! I just moved to garland. what part do you live in? What do you mean by wings on vents? Are you running a one touch system or the old daisy wheel style kettle? normally a good cleaning gets everything back in order. If you think the gunk is causing problems I would try and use a drip pan whenever possible.
If necessary, the rivet holding the vent cover can be drilled out. Then, you can try your hand at straightening the cover. If it won't straighten properly you can get a new cover and replace the rivet with a small stainless bolt (use a lock washer).

Plano? I lived and there from 1989-april of this year! I just moved to garland. what part do you live in? What do you mean by wings on vents? Are you running a one touch system or the old daisy wheel style kettle? normally a good cleaning gets everything back in order. If you think the gunk is causing problems I would try and use a drip pan whenever possible.

we live at Legacy and Chase Oaks... Moved there from Sachse about 2 months ago. I'm talking about the part that clears ash from the kettle... the scrapers, i guess. One is bent almost 1/4" above the bowl. Might have to get a replacement set...

If necessary, the rivet holding the vent cover can be drilled out. Then, you can try your hand at straightening the cover. If it won't straighten properly you can get a new cover and replace the rivet with a small stainless bolt (use a lock washer).

I'm talking about the scrapers on the bottom of the bowl... I had too much build up when I was clearing ash from the bowl... One is pretty bent up and another is not quite as bad. I'm gonna try to disassemble it tonight...

Thanks Guys!!:cool:
I'm talking about the scrapers on the bottom of the bowl... I had too much build up when I was clearing ash from the bowl... One is pretty bent up and another is not quite as bad. I'm gonna try to disassemble it tonight...
You can buy new scrapers for not much $'s or you can keep an eye for a used BBQ on craigslist and harvest them, put your bent ones on the one bought and possibly sell it for the same price you bought it for :)
yea you are talking about the one touch system on your kettle. I believe they are called ash sweepers. Here is a link to the product on amazon.

looks to be a pretty cheap replacement part.

Being so close I wish I had a donor part! I live right by firewheel town center. So we basically switched places!
Wow!! You're right!! We lived in Woodbridge. 5th house to move int that neighborhood back in '98. Downsized to simplify life and now we're in an Apartment. Lot's more time for fishin' and grillin'!! :cool::blackkettle:

Based on the pic in the link you sent, I might be able to fix this one as long as the "sweepers" aren't to roughed up... If not, then a new set will be ordered up.

right on. I lived off independence and 15th from 89-00 and then off coit and hedcgcoxe from 00- april 15.
The OP mentioned a 22.5" OTG,:) so ya they do bend back quite easily.
Mines about the same age and ever so often they do pop up. Scrape the crud and bend them back down.

Ok.. Last night I figured I would try to take the Sweepers off of my Kettle and see about bending them back into shape or determine if I needed new ones. How the heck do you remove the control arm that you use to clear ash with the sweepers? It was kinda dark and poor lighting on my patio. Is it supposed to twist 90 degrees and pull out, or do you have to drive it out with a piece of rod and a hammer? :confused:
All Right.. I found out how to take care of it. Here's the pic I found


