Looking to smoke 4 whole chickens


Clark C

New member
Will this work? Was going to use 4 whole chickens, then pull the meat and freeze for when we need it

Have never done chicken, what time should I allow? Am going for a slow smoke, 250 temp with apple wood water in pan

Any advice is welcome!
If you are aware of the fact that the skin is going to be rubbery, so go ahead. The meat- you can almost eat it with a spoon.
Pulled leftovers are great, as previously stated, and does not dry much if deep freezed.
What an interesting experience. Set the chicken upright on empty beer cans, with drip pans full of spices and beer below. kept temp around 250-275 on bottom rack and after 4 hours the skin was nice and crisp, the meat was slightly smoky, and overall a good experience. Dont think its something I will do again as I could get same results in oven or over grill.

Live and learn
I bought a simple wire rack at the BBQ store for beer can chicken. More stable than just using the can. The bottom has a 6" square of round steel bars for stability but no base to interupt the smoke and the 2 parts that insert into the cavity fold up and hold the can in a locked position. Gonna get a few more for when we do multiples. I think it was $10.


