Looking to purchase


Neil C

New member
I'm looking to build 2 HM units. I'd like to do the 4.3 version with thermocouple and Rotodamper. I've been using a 4.2 with thermocouple and Rotodamper for so long I couldn't guess but it was left in the rain and I think it's time to replace it. My buddy has been jealous of my unit and if I'm gonna build 1 I might as well build him one as well. I'm ok with soldering and installing the programs but not surface soldering. I purchased my original one as a parts kit with the surface soldering done already and only had to add my own pi, probes and 3d parts. Is anyone selling similar kits anymore?
I don't have organized "kits," so to speak, but I can sell you whatever arrangement you need for a 4.3 (not including a Pi). If you'd like a 4.3 board with all parts and surface soldering already complete, I can sell you that. PM me.

