Looking for some help...


Brian Bo.

I remember reading a thread here where someone had asked about some very nice high-heat gloves. The thread had someone's daughter in it helping out when the BBQ was all done!!

I have an Orca glove but it's a PITA to use because I cannot move my fingers freely. Thumb is on the bottom and all four fingers are on top.

I'm hoping the thread creator sees this and can tell me where he got his gloves from. I was searching for the thread for a bit and apparently didn't do a good job because I couldn't find it for the life of me.

If anyone could help me out, that would be great. I need a pair of these!! Thanks.
Recent thread (with daughter as helper wearing gloves) here, older thread here.

Black Knight PVC gloves from labsafety.com for only $2.99.

I bought my Black Knights from bbqguru.com for $9.99. Don't regret it, but 7 bucks is 7 bucks!
Originally posted by doug ep:
Recent thread here, older thread here.

Black Knight PVC gloves from labsafety.com
for only $2.99.

I bought my Black Knights from bbqguru.com for $9.99. Don't regret it, but 7 bucks is 7 bucks!

That is true Doug! I tried to send some business Larry's way but he's sold out
Hey Brian - just checking. I have those exact gloves as others posted. Got them for $10 from BBQ Guru, but you can find them in a bunch of places.

These are great as hot food handling gloves, and are what I use most of the time for that purpose (even in the kitchen).

Just want to make sure though - you mention high heat gloves in your original post. These would not be recommended for handling hot metal grates, etc or working close to burning coals.

Use the leather type gloves for that. If you do touch a hot grill with the Black Knight style you will find that they will deform, melt, and/or become otherwise "modified".

Just want to make sure you were looking for hot food handling or higher temp gloves for fire or grill management.

