Looking for 1st Generation Summit Igniter Cover


Jon Tofte

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I have been slowly working on restoring a very cool 1st Generation Summit I bought from @LMichaels. I noticed when cleaning up some small parts that one of my igniter covers is not the Summit dark gray but rather the common light gray found on most Genesis grills of this era. See picture. I am looking for the one on the right:

1st Generation Summit Igniter Cover.jpeg

Would anybody have a useable (I don't expect perfect/new) DARK gray one they would be willing to sell? I believe these may have also been used on some early Platinum grills, but I am not sure.

I am trying hard to give this special old grill a classy restore, so I really want the right igniter cover.
I can certainly appreciate wanting to maintain originality. Again, it's a shame that you can no longer purchase these brand new. I sincerely hope that someone comes through for you on this. If not, I don't see why dying a light gray one wouldn't work? I also think there has to be a way of restoring the original sheen to these parts.
If I can’t land one, I will probably substitute the one from the side burner and dye (or paint) one to put on the side burner since it will see the least use. I also considered doing all the knobs and igniter covers in black, but this a grill I would really prefer to stay close to original.

On the shiny finish, I have something called Simichrome I use in my dabbling with plastic toy restoration; I learned about it from another hobbyist. I am hopeful it will do more to make the plastic shiny again than 303 Protectant. 303 gives hood UV protection, though, so it is a catch-22.
Jon, if you decide to dye an iginiter button, rather than trying to color match it to the others, I would consider dying them all a color of your choosing.

I looked today while working on my grill and did not see any although I have parted out a Summit or two before. I think maybe they made it into my huge batch that I dyed at the Weber grill meet last summer.
Do you know anyone that has a 3D printer? I don't have one just an idea hopefully to solve your problem.
It's a good idea, and it has been discussed here. I think the closest anyone came was a functional, but visually unacceptable switch. I'm still hoping someone will come up with something better.
The thing about printing one with a 3D printer is that the color may still not be correct.
It’s looking like painting will have to do. I have gotten the knobs clean, but they are dull. Neither 303 Protectant nor Simichrome has done that much, so maybe I will paint them all to match. I know I will have to repaint from time to time. Still thinking about it…

