Looftlighter Update



TVWBB Diamond Member
Some of you may have watched my Standing Rib Roast Video and witnessed my not so great second use of my Looftlighter. Well after about 5 cooks I've got to I'm really enjoying it and now have it down. It's perfect for a MM cook as I place it in the center of my fuel, let her run about 90 - 110 seconds and I'm good to go. So far I've used it with Rancher and Frontier Lump and it's worked well with both. Going to try it with some Extruded Coconut soon and see how long it takes to get that stuff rolling as it's pretty dense and takes quite a while to start burning using Weber cubes. So, if you're on the fence about this cool tool I say pull the trigger.

BTW, for you torch fans out there I'm not saying it's better, just that "I" prefer over my torch that's all. Don't' want to get into a debate or anything.

