Longtime Lurker, first post


James Stewart

Hello All,

I have been barbecuing and grilling for many years and have been reading this forum for some time now without joining or posting. I don't have a WSM and am not planning on buying one. I make my own verticle smokers which function someting between a WSM and a Big Drum Smoker. I just wanted to say though that by far this forum has been one of the most informative sites I have ever visited. My barbecue and techniques have improved greatly from reading the advice posted on this board. Therefore I just wanted to say thanks to everyone here that has posted advice over the years, pretty much everything I have read here is adaptable to my cooking setup.

James most ISP's give you webspace with your account. If you haven't used up your allotment yet you could just post them there and give a link. That is what I do. Just another option.

