Longest cook yet

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Larry D.

TVWBB Emerald Member
I put two butts on the WSM yesterday morning about 7:30, and expected them to be done no later than 7:30 last night. I finally took them off at 10:30 p.m. at 195 degrees - both were beautifully done, and pulled extremely easily. I ate dinner at about 11:15 p.m. (no way I was going to bed without a sammich, after spending all day waiting). Normally, butts don't take that long for me. The cooking temp was probably a little lower than usual (around 220 instead of 250) for most of the cook; toward the end (the last 4 hours or so) it was stable right on 250, and was still there when I took the butts off the smoker. I had added a little unlit (actually, leftover) charcoal at about the 10 hour mark, when I was trying to get the temperature to come back up, and probably had that much left at the end. So, I got 15 hours out of one filling, more or less. Now I can see the benefit of an overnight cook. I would have been much more patient at 9:00 a.m. the next morning, than at 10:30 p.m.
Hey Larry,

I know you had some good eats when it did get done. I like to take my time with butts also. I did two the first of this week , yeah , an overnighter, took 18 hours to get to 198*. The WSM is hard to beat.

See Ya,
Now I see why I wake up at 3am to start butts I want to eat the same day rather than do an over nighter. But..........the over nighter is the way to go!! At least you we able to sample that juicy Swine before bedtime!
I love this summertime cooking, with little wind and warm temps. Fuel lasts alot longer than in those howling subfreezing cooks, that's for sure.
I'm still new to this but I did mine as an overnighter. Got to sleep and woke up in time to turn and baste.

Overnighter is definately the way to go.

Rath *amazed to do a 16 hour cook without adding additional fuel*
Rath, Are we related?? I agree, I did my first overnight 2 weeks ago. Put the butts on at 11pm, was in bed and asleep by 12:30am and pulled them off the WSM at 2pm the next day. I did not have to add fuel(just stirred coals around 11:30am)and it held temp at 240 like a champ!!

Larry, you are a better man than me getting up at 3am...no way for this muchacho!! If you start it at 9pm-12am, you will be able to eat it the next day for sure!!

Birsket and butt on tap this weekend!! By the way, got pics of those butts'?!
Here are some pictures:



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