little impromptu stuffed pork loin



So I had half a small pork loin in the freezer and poked around the kitchen to see what I had laying around to throw together.

I wanted to practice cutting the loin and “unrolling” it like a roll of paper towels and much to my disappointment it fell apart in two pieces when I unwrapped it. At least it was lengthwise so I pounded them a bit and made it work.

Stuffed with feta, sliced dried apricots and thyme, little salt and pepper on the outside and on the grill.

Then I had some pineapple orange juice boiled it down a bit with some brown sugar and a touch of dijon. I wanted to thicken it a bit and never used cornstarch before so I dumped some in… big mistake I now had a golf ball of corn starch floating in my sauce. I saved it by straining it real quick. Then I mixed some corn starch with a little water the way the box says and was amazed at the reaction
so maybe the glaze got a little too thick but it tasted good and flavors worked.


Nice stuffing and save on the cut. I'll have to try the glaze sometime.

The roll cut takes some practice, a big knife helps. Take a look at the Pork roast I did a while back. If you scroll down in the messages you will find a link for the knife and a video of how to butterfly and roll cut.

A nice thin even cut is what you are after. Not a butterfly.
thanks everyone... the idea came from a combination of different recipes I found on the internet improvising with what I had on hand.

I could only imagine how much better it would have been if I used a more "goaty" cheese like chevre, never the less the goat cheese / fruit combo in food is a great discovery.

