lighting the Weber chimney

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I've always used Texas Fire Sticks. They're thick enough that I can split them in at least two pieces lengthwise and I then break one resulting piece in half to start the chimney.

I use the weber starter cubes or I have some gel you can squirt on and light......I don't like the gel cuz it flares up when you light it.

As for anysort of paper......that won't work for me. I have my WSM inside my enclosed patio/pool enclosure. As such, pieces of lit ash and paper would likely start my screen on fire...and that would suck...especially since it has survived the FL hurricane season intact. Including the dang oak tree falling on the corner of it.
I've been burning paper for years and years with my chimney, but this thread has prodded me to look again. I've got to head into Home Depot and Costco today ... gonna see if I can find some starter cubes.

"Texas Fire Sticks" ... now that's a name for ya.

Thanks, folks!
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