Lid Temp vs Top grate UPDATE after testing


Rick Soliman

Ok here are the results hopefully some one can figure it out.

Maverek Top Grate 225
Tel Tru at Lid 200

Maverek in Boiling Water 214-215
Tel-Tru in Boiling Water 212-214

Maverek 2.5" in from vent in Lid same distance as Tel-Tru

Tel-Tru oppostite Vent in Lid 2.5" stem reads 200 while Maverek 2.5" in on lid reads 235 and grate reads 225

I have found that my grate is 25 degrees more than the lid temp go figure?

So what does this tell me I have a cool spot opposte the vent on the lid how can this be?

Iam totally dumb founded any help? Because obviously I cant go off the Tel-Tru unless I add 25 degrees for the grate temp.

I don't have the answer.

But.... the less experienced could become overly concerned with exact temperatures. Plus or minus 15 degrees for most bbq should be OK.

The exact temperature's will shorten or extend the length of the cook but shouldn't dramtically effect the quality of the result.

It is more important to monitor the temperature of the meat. In the case of ribs, use the tear test to determine when they are ready.
Hi Rick,

If both thermometers test the same in boiling water, then I think both are accurate.

There is a difference in the way both units read temperature. The Tel-Tru, being a bimetallic thermometer, is slower to react to changes in temp than the Maverick's thermistor. Also, the Maverick is in the stream of hot exhaust exiting the cooker, whereas the Tel-Tru is not. Maybe those things account from some of the difference?

You might try a little experiement sometime with an empty cooker, water or sand in the pan, a single chimney of charcoal, and see if you get the same or different result.

In any event, I hope you don't lose any sleep over it.

Confucious say "man with too many watches never know what time it is!" consistency and repeatability are more important than complete accuracy. Pick one place to measure and one thermometer to use then work towards results. (Thats how I do it anyway)
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">the Maverick is in the stream of hot exhaust exiting the cooker </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's a very good point - and one I'd never considered before. I too notice hotter temps at the lid vs the grate - of a similar magnitude. And I'm using two Nu-Temp probes which read the same in boiling water.

