Lid mod for the Performer



I went looking for grills today at several stores that carry the weber performer and played with the lid holder and find that I hate the way the lid still hangs over the grill grate. Other than taking it off, which defeats the purpose of the holder, has anyone ever tried to improve the final position of the lid, like extending the holder so that it goes back further and allowing the lid to lay back out of the way. Might have to go with the discontinued platinum.

Secondly, I'm surprised we have all these really good mods for the wsm grills, but none for plain ole charcoal grills?
Are you a lefty David?
Most complaints about the lid come from left handed people.
I'm right handed, and I've never had a problem with how far the lid retracts.
I'm a lefty, but in the scheme of things and living in a right-handed world....being taught to shoot a gun, play guitar and trombone right-handed... my Performer lid set-up is no biggie. ;) It's a great grill.
I don't own a Performer but if I did and the lid angle bugged me I would just remove the bale and add a slide aside like I have on my OTG.

"I'm surprised we have all these really good mods for the wsm grills, but none for plain ole charcoal grills?"

There are quite a few on this particular forum, you just have to scroll back through the pages.
Anything from lengthening the legs on a few kettles for more height to adding custom wood handles, metal smoker baffles, adding a OTG ash catcher to a OTS, DIY wood side tables, adding a third wheel for mobility and more.

"I'm surprised we have all these really good mods for the wsm grills, but none for plain ole charcoal grills?"

There are quite a few on this particular forum, you just have to scroll back through the pages.
Anything from lengthening the legs on a few kettles for more height to adding custom wood handles, metal smoker baffles, adding a OTG ash catcher to a OTS, DIY wood side tables, adding a third wheel for mobility and more.

Not sure what you mean by a "slide aside". Anyway I took care of that by buying the platinum.
I guess I've never made deep journeys into the charcoal grill section. I was referring to the Weber Bullet section where there a lot of mods but mostly for the wsm.....
Whatever works for you David. There is a boatload of info on this site. Me.. I like to go into the way back machine:)

Whatever works for you David. There is a boatload of info on this site. Me.. I like to go into the way back machine:)


Oh, I could not agree more regarding the info on this site. I will take a venture into the real deep archives soon. My WSM has many upgrades found here, and a few more that I've yet to get around to, and one or two I'm "thinking" about how to modify the mod.

