It seems like every time I dump a chimney full of smoking hot charcoal onto the charcoal grate of my OTG, put the cooking grate in place, and close the lid, the next time I open the lid (10-15 min later) my nice hot fire is gone. I always wait until flames are coming out the top of the chimney and the coals are covered in grey ash before pouring them out. Bottom and top vents are fully open but I can't seem to get the temp back up high enough to put a good sear on some strip loins. If I leave the lid off completely the fire gets out of control hot and flare ups become a problem.
Any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong? Thanks all.
I keep reading this post thinking that I'm missing something or reading it the wrong way, or missing what you are asking so I haven't replied. But it keeps screaming out at me so what the heck.
You put the lid down and the temp goes down. Nothing strange about that at all, it's the physics of fire. Even with top and bottom vents wide open, closing the lid reduces air flow which reduces oxygen for the fire, which reduces the temp.