Jeff B
TVWBB Member
Im getting better thanks to his forum! After 5 cooks on my WSM I'm getting confident enough to try different things to see what happens. I read a lot of posts about letting lump and briquettes burn down to coals before putting the meat on because the early burn smoke can leave a bitter flavor. After over-smoking my first few attempts with Royal Oak and hickory chunks I tried K briquettes and just a few chunks of hickory to tame the smoke flavor a bit. The results were much better - only a subtle flavor of smoke which allowed the meat flavor to come out better. I was pleased but not completely satisfied, though. (Perhaps perfection will come after my 6th cook?)I put the hickory chunks on after the briquettes set up nicely and they immediately flamed up. I scratched my head looking at the pretty flames for a minute and then put the pork loin on and let her rip. The taste was great but i think still a little bitter. Maybe it was my imagination after reading so much about the bitter taste of the early smoke but I have to ask - does the early flaming of the flavor wood give off bitter flavor? Do you guys get the flavor wood going early and hold off until they are glowing embers before putting the meat on?