Leftovers in the freezer.


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I installed my new flag yesterday...it's beautiful!!!
Had some left overs in the freezer... No action shots Sorry... but I had to share this plate with my bbq and grilling friends. Hot dogs filled with cheddar cheese, moink balls, and ABTs. Thanks for looking.

Fine looking flag, dogs, moinks, and ABT's Tony!

but oh boy did the flag pic take awhile to load :)
edit to add, must be my 'puter, everything is loading slow right now.
I can hit those like right now. Haven't done dogs in a while but I might this weekend!

Your flag looks glorious!
Nice post Tony, how did you put the cheese in the hotdogs? Oscar Mayer cheddardogs or did you do it yourself?

The chesse were already in the hotdogs Mike. They weren't Oscar Meyer dogs but some other brand..I can't recall the name possibly hills dale?

