Leaving your WSM unattended

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Sam Goller

TVWBB Member
I've been reading and posting on the Easy Ribs thread and that got me to wondering...Do you ever leave your WSM unattended while it cooks?

I don't have the confidence to leave it to do it's thing without any supervision. The furthest I've gone has been the living room to watch TV. Even then, it's within view of where I'm sitting.

I realize there's not much that can go wrong, but...
I use to be the same way. I'd sit right next
to it and check it every 5 min. The more you use
it the more you'll trust it and the less time
you'll spend with it.
Not that anyone is advocating reckless behavior here, either. When I say I go off for a couple hours, that means I'm not here, not that nobody's here.

Once you've done enough cooks, and gotten that beneficial interior soot layer established, you'll be aware how your cooker will behave in the sun, in the shade; pretty much where to set the vents in a given instance; and how much charcoal will get you how far in each particular situation.

It has taken me several daytime cooks and three all nighters to get to the point where I am comfortable sleeping while doing an all-nighter. My daytime cooks...I'm a little anal about keeping temp cook logs and I check it about every 45 minutes to an hour to record the temps. You'll get there.
I'm not suggesting such behavior, but for tonights cook (still going strong...) a couple of beers on an empty, grumbling, needing some 'que stomach, I happened to snooze in my deck chair for about an hour. Temperature remained rock solid at 230, no harm done. Unfortunately I was awakened by a flash, as my wife snapped a photo of me "watching the smoker". I fear it will receive wide distribution throughout the family. Oh, the sacrifices that we make to put food on the table. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Jay Arnold
My wife wouldn't allow me to leave the house if I had something on the WSM. However, after a few cooks whithout burning down the house or least the backyard, it's not a problem. Of course with the midnight brisket or pork sessions, I leave it unattended for 8 hours while I get some shut-eye. This works well if you use the Minion method. After 8 hours the temperature doesn't move more than a few degrees.
I dont think I would leave my proprty with a bunch of lit fuel going. But on overnighters and now that I have a good remote thermometer I go to bed and catch some zzz. I figure if some kids got into my yard or a gust of wind nocked the thing over the alarm would go of because of the temp change. So far Ive never had any problems.
I leave my WSM unattended every time I cook. I don't have kids (yet) and neither do my neighbors. Plus my yard is fenced in and the WSM on a concrete patio so I am not that worried about it falling over and catching things on fire.

I must admit, however, that I am prone to sit there and watch the thing if there is nothing else to do. Not sure why. I guess it's kind of mesmorizing. /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif
The first time I made ribs, about halfway through the cook, I needed to run up to the hardware store. I told Mom I would be gone for a few minutes, she balked about being left alone with it. "What if the remote goes off?" I told her not to worry about it. I came back about 30 minutes later, and she was pale as a ghost.
"Damn you, ten minutes after you left the alarm went off" I asked her what she did...
"I did what any good woman would do...I put the remote in the pantry and shut the door..."
The ribs turned out great.
I do all night cooks from time to time with no problems. Usually put meat on the cooker by no later than 11:00 pm, make sure temps stabilize by 11:30 pm and then sleep till 6:30 - 7:00 am. Did this recently on a turkey (I will post the details later) for Sunday dinner - worked good.
However, I only do this on clear nights with no predicted rain or wind.

SC Que
Once the temp is stable, I'll leave if I need to. I treat it the same way I would an oven cooking.
I left mine from 3:00pm till 8:00pm on Sat with three butts in it. Of course I don't have any issues with neighbors, children, etc. No, Im not a hermit. I had started the cook about 8:00 am and everything was stable. I did check to be sure the water pan was full before we left. Meat came off great at around 190.

I'm looking forward to the time when I can leave the WSM for awhile. My first cook was last Sunday. I spent the 6 hours either checking the temperature & writing in my log, or looking at my watch to see when my next temp check was. It was actually pretty tiring.
I think I'll get there eventually. I'm really happy how easy it was to regulate the temperature. After a little practice, I think I'll be able to relax a little bit.

I usually get things started and then leave and go fishing. Lately since my son enjoys my baby backs so much, I am teaching him the q'ing art so that he carries on the tradition.

So now it is even easier than before to stay away and let the WSM do it's magic.

What about Racoons ?
Those masked marauders will get into anything.
That's why I'm afraid to use the WSM at night.
I'm pretty sure they would knock the WSM over
to get at the meat inside.
Hell, they even sit on my window ledge and watch
me at the computer.

Jim C
I'm betting the heat of the WSM would keep them from knocking it over. Plus if your on a level surface they are fairly difficult to tip over.

Having said that a nice Doberman or German Shepherd might protect your WSM from the racoons.

Another idea is to shoot them. I've heard they don't taste too bad and are smokable. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
With my old ECB equivalent, leaving for more than a trip to the beer store was a serious dice-roll. And of course I was apprehensive about my first "overnight" cook (woke up at 4am, threw on a small butt, snoozed 'til 8-9ish). After going to bed at 228? and waking to 230?, I got a little more comfortable. Right now I'm planning a 6-7 hour "nap" and I have no qualms about leaving Mr. WSM to do it's work. Of course now watch me wake up to a dead fire, or to somebody loading it (and my 10# picnic) into the back of their truck.
Like anything, just work with it and you'll gain trust. I'm sure people have run these babys 12+ hours without having to add fuel or check temp.
Once I get my WSM up and running, I keep tabs on it every hour or two. I don't think I'll ever be able to leave the house, as I'd be worried about what could happen. Same with the oven too, I'd never leave the house with it going. I guess I just don't trust a source of heat and flame on its own. Besides, I have a hard enough time not burning food when I am there /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
unattended bbq is what the bbq guru does for you.
watch for the posts in modifications. I have had mine since march or april have done overnight cooks 6 or 8 times. I love it. I guess the downside is i woke one morning and remembered i had started cooking around noon the previous day but all turned out just fine. No teeth needed pulled pork. If you have any specific questions contact me .
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