Lazy pizza


Nate Frost

TVWBB All-Star
Wanted pizza tonight but didn't have any dough or sauce made and didn't want to make any. So I stopped by Whole Foods and picked up some of their pizza dough and sauce. Let me say, their dough and sauce tastes great to me. What I didn't like was how hard it was to handle the dough. It was very sticky and was difficult to get out of the bag. Then I couldn't get the first dough ball stretched out. It kept pulling back in. That's why the small first pizza. The other problem I had was that it stuck to the pizza peel. The first one not as bad as the second pizza. The second pizza stuck so good that I just about threw it in the garbage. Instead, I just pulled up by for sides, looked like a huge wonton, then set it on the stone, unfolded the dough and spread the toppings back out. I guess that's what I get for trying to take a short cut. They don't look the greatest but tasted really good.

Nate: you are the BBQ Pizza-Dood! You see a lot of good cooks on this forum, you own Top Gun of the Pizza cooks!
Looks like a nice pizza to me!!

I buy store bought pizza dough all the time. Use flour to to work the dough after you take it out of the package. Take a break and let the dough rest a bit i it keeps shrinking on you when you try and work it. It will stretch our more if the dough is relaxed. Put some corn meal down on your peel and shake your pizza often to make sure it will slide off when you try and put it in the oven or grill.
Looks good to me. Need to try making my own. I usually do a frozen one for my kids.
Looks like a nice pizza to me!!

I buy store bought pizza dough all the time. Use flour to to work the dough after you take it out of the package. Take a break and let the dough rest a bit i it keeps shrinking on you when you try and work it. It will stretch our more if the dough is relaxed. Put some corn meal down on your peel and shake your pizza often to make sure it will slide off when you try and put it in the oven or grill.

That's kinda what I did for the second one, added some flour, stretched it and let it sit while the other was cooking. That's why it's basically twice the size.
Wanted pizza tonight but didn't have any dough or sauce made and didn't want to make any. So I stopped by Whole Foods and picked up some of their pizza dough and sauce. Let me say, their dough and sauce tastes great to me. What I didn't like was how hard it was to handle the dough. It was very sticky and was difficult to get out of the bag. Then I couldn't get the first dough ball stretched out. It kept pulling back in. That's why the small first pizza. The other problem I had was that it stuck to the pizza peel. The first one not as bad as the second pizza. The second pizza stuck so good that I just about threw it in the garbage. Instead, I just pulled up by for sides, looked like a huge wonton, then set it on the stone, unfolded the dough and spread the toppings back out. I guess that's what I get for trying to take a short cut. They don't look the greatest but tasted really good.

Hi Nate,

I had the same problem the first few times I made dough. Maybe I used too much liquid, not enough corn meal or not enough dough for the size of pizza I wanted to make. I caught it early enough so I just folded the pizza in half and made a field-expedient calzone...
Dale53 had a great Pizza dough receipe. I printed it, I'm gonna try and type in his link for the receipe (below)

I'm lazy too and don't have a fancy machine to mix dough, so I buy the frozen balls from our HEB. I put them in the fridge to thaw the night before. A couple hours before the cook, I'll take the package out, take it out of the package and put it into a bowl that I rubbed with a little oil, rolling the ball around until it gets all coated with the oil so it won't stick. When it is time to make the pizza's I clean and lightly flour our island, and work the dough with a little extra flour until I can stretch it by hand to size. I want to buy a peel for moving them, but until then, I have a large, smooth, plastic cutting board that I flour and place the dough on to slide it onto the grill with. Agree with doing the jiggle test inside to make sure the dough slides around before I take it outside to try to get on the cooker.


Another think I like to do is par cook the crust on one side before I put the toppings on. I set it on the grates until it starts getting a little char on it, take it back inside, flip it to cooked side up, add toppings, and then take it back out to the cooker. This way, the thicker outer ring gets cooked through and the middle gets a little crisper.


