Latest New Guy


Bob Musil

New member
Hi people. I have been lurking for awhile, and had a question about replacement parts, so I figured it was time to join. I have had an 18.5" WSM for about 7 years, and use it for almost all of my smoking needs. I am pretty basic, doing mostly ribs, brisket and pork shoulders. I am also proud to say that I will shamelessly steal any good tips I can find, and hopefully will contribute one or two of my own!
I am also proud to say that I will shamelessly steal any good tips I can find, and hopefully will contribute one or two of my own!

Bob, that's a two-way street here! Everyone here gives and gets, that's what makes this place special! Welcome to the site!
Welcome Bob
Looking forward to learning from your 7 years of ribs, briskets, and shoulders (not very basic for me).
Thanks for the welcome, people. I will be smoking a brisket on Sunday, and I will start a thread on it in the barbecuing section. That way you can see what i do, and offer suggestions.

