Late 4th of July pulled pork


Chris Lynch

TVWBB All-Star
Finally after weeks of diaper changing-feeding-lose more sleep-go to work and repeat I got a pause in the disaster. 4 days off from work was definitely needed. So I decided on a couple o' cooks. The first being pulled pork. This was my first time doing an injection and I'd have to say I think a brine is bit more flavorful and leaves a better consistency, but that's just me. Next time I have a party I think I will do a side-by-side.

The injection was apple juice, water, sugar and salt, Then I covered yellow mustard and your basic paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, brown sugar, cumin and cayenne

A little home made slaw for the future sammy

thank you Tyler F for the recipe.

Porks done. I decided to cook it in the pan to preserve the juices


Threw on a little East NC BBQ sauce and then some Porky's BBQ sauce with pickles and slaw

Delicious. I love crunchy slaw on a pork sammy

Happy late 4th all!
Trust me Chris, this time flies by. One day you'll be asking yourself: where did our beautiful baby go... take lots of pics. The pork and the sammy look great.
I am with you on this! I wonder if it gets a bit of grease with all the fat rendering down? Would like to hear from the OP as it looks incredible.

It definitely has more fat content to it and I think it tastes a little better. But I think it's far from too greasy. I did dump out a bit of the juices for that reason.
Nice work, Chris!

I'm in a similar situation and made the same decision. The 14-week-old and a new house have me worn out, but I found time to do an 18-lb shoulder for some friends. Damn thing took 22 hours to finish though.
Nice work, Chris!

I'm in a similar situation and made the same decision. The 14-week-old and a new house have me worn out, but I found time to do an 18-lb shoulder for some friends. Damn thing took 22 hours to finish though.

Damn. 22 hours. That's a long cook neighbor!
It definitely has more fat content to it and I think it tastes a little better. But I think it's far from too greasy. I did dump out a bit of the juices for that reason.
Sounds about right. I'm going to try this out and do as you've explained. I wonder how it would taste added to BBQ sauce?
Sounds about right. I'm going to try this out and do as you've explained. I wonder how it would taste added to BBQ sauce?

I'd give that a try. Maybe only to a small batch as part of a tester. that way you don't ruin a whole batch if it doesn't taste right. It definitely would congeal as it was refrigerated so I would only do a small dose.
Awesome looking pulled pork, Chris! When I saw that photo of the pulled pork soaking in its natural juices...I had this mental image of myself standing over the pan with a straw. Does the fact that such a thought actually crossed my mind seem disturbing?

