Bob Correll
R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Outstanding lamb, spuds, and salad DW!
Glad to see you get enough time off to get back at it!
Glad to see you get enough time off to get back at it!
Thanks a bunch ppl.
About the herb rub,i run a few cloves of garlic in a mortar with salt/lemon juice(or even zest)/thyme/rosemary and black pepper. A few drops of oil if the paste is to "dry". Rub it in let sit cold for a few hours.
About the gratain,i just go by feel so not really an recipe. But i use a firm potatoe,peeled/sliced rather thin. Boil em with 50% milk 50% cream.(add so it almost covers the taters) add salt/pepper/leeks/garlic. Simmer to almost done,add some grated cheese and put it in a pan. Let it go in the oven @ 200c till golden. Simple but oh so good.
ill admit i wasnt a fan of lamb growing up since we didnt have it often. but love lamb now! that rack looks tasty...