Labor Day


John Leopard

TVWBB Member
We dodged Isaac in Shreveport today as it looks like the drier air to the west really took it out of the westerly spin. So with college football this weekend, Labor Day on Monday and my birthday on Tuesday, it seems to me that I will be burning something soon. Gonna be 96* on Monday, so a long, low cook looks like the most favorable thing to do.

Y'all gonna do anything?
I don't know. Since I'm now retired, holidays are just another day when the kids next door are home making noise.

Might do burgers, been awhile, beer for sure. Maybe chicken wings, haven't done those for some time, so much meat, so little time:rolleyes:...................d
Happy birthday John! My birthdays is Saturday. Going to a brew pub I haven't been to in a while for my birthday.but I am doing some labors day ribs. Not sure what I'm cooking Sunday.
Monday I am planning on pork loin, BB ribs, and maybe a fattie on Monday. Having some friends over for the holiday. Will probably grill something Sunday, menu undecided other than I will be grilling corn and watermelon. Saturday will be spent recovering from being on call on Friday. Should be a great weekend
Happy Birthday and I'm going to smoke a Boston Butt on Labor Day and get ready to watch the VT/GT game that night. Nothing better than some good bbq and college football.
My neighbors are hosting something Saturday night, so I plan on some smoked chicken wings. I haven't figured out the rest of the weekend yet. If my Stoker comes in as promised (not holding my breath), then I'll do a butt or brisket. I also need to do a taste test comparison of my various Uramaki BBQ Sushi to determine which one I enter in the Open category for my cook off next weekend.
Glad the storm missed you!

We are going to our camper today (Friday) and I will do an overnight brisket cook tonight. Saturday I will do another overnight cook of two butts for a party we are going to. Monday I hope to smoke some chicken before we go home!

Everyone have a safe weekend!
Doing St Louis ribs. All trimmed, rubbed and in the fridge. Got to do them tomorrow early though as the remnants of Issac will hit tomorrow night into Tuesday. Making a tabouli salad to go with them.

Glad you lucked out with the storm, got to talk with my brother and see how he made out in Florida.
Doing St Louis ribs. All trimmed, rubbed and in the fridge. Got to do them tomorrow early though as the remnants of Issac will hit tomorrow night into Tuesday. Making a tabouli salad to go with them.

Glad you lucked out with the storm, got to talk with my brother and see how he made out in Florida.

I know of a Snowden here in town, is he a shotgunner?..........................d
I just brought home 3 racks of spares, so that's what I'll be cooking on Monday. I'll probably have corn on the cob to go with them, and something cold and bubbly to drink, too. :D

