Labor Day Brisket


Angel A

New member
Hey everyone,

Been using my WSM for about a half a year now and have been following the suggestions of all the nice folks on this forum, so thank you.

Doing a small Labor Day brisket this morning and hoping it will be done by dinner. It's about a 5lb post trimmed Choice flat that I picked up from Costco.

Using Tim Byres' coffee cure rub from his "Smoke" cookbook. It's got the usuals, paprika, sugar, etc., but with the addition of dark roast coffee grounds. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I figured I'd use my wife's favorite coffee from home back
east, Double D's (Dunkin Donuts).

I was able to collect enough charcoal remnants from my last cook to use as starter coals. Fired up the side burner on my gasser and lit up the coals in the chimney. That's about all I use my side burner for these days. I'm going with the snake method with a rock in the middle and smoking with oak this time around.

I figure I'll trim this while I'm waiting to come up to temperature. It's starting to look a little unsafe.

Adding the brisket to the cooker.

Chugging along.

I put the meat on around 9:30am, and will rotate it around 1:30. Since it's only about 5 lbs, I'm hoping it's done around 5 or 6pm so I can let it rest a bit before chowtime. I left a decent amount of fat on it so I don't normally foil, but if I see that it's drying out, I'll probably have to. Will check in with you guys later for the final product.
I'm working on the same piece of meat today-- a 5 pound flat from Costco-- eager to see how yours turns out!

(FYI currently I've had mine on the WSM for a tad over seven hours, temp has been holding steady in the 230-260 range, minion method, been in the stall for a little while, hoping I get out of it soon as I have family coming over in about an hour.)
It's been about 9 hours and it is not done. I've had to leave it for awhile as I was running errands and it's been fluctuating in temp a bit. When I got back, the temp was down to 150 and I reloaded on charcoal. That was about an hour ago. I just pulled it, wrapped it up and put it in the oven. I'm hoping it can cook to tender in another hour. I think my mistake was not putting enough charcoal. I figured I had plenty considering it was only a 5 pounder, and that it would only take but about 5-7 hours at 250'ish. Anyway, I was able to throw some sides together. Grilling up some fresh corn on the cob, braised collards, and some homemade bbq sauce. I'll post a pics once done. I only hope the family can wait.
Angel and Matt how did they come out?

I was quite pleased with mine. Right around the eight hour mark I was happy with how tenderness was feeling, foiled it up and let it rest for about 20 minutes before slicing. Taste was very good, it was pretty moist and wasn't crumbly. My family really seemed to enjoy it.

Should have taken some pics throughout the process but didn't think about it until I was actually slicing it up.
After foiling, throwing it in the oven for about an hour and letting it rest for about 30 mins, we finally ate at 8:00pm. The temp fluctuated a little around the 250 mark, so I'm thinking next time I might either crank the heat up after the smoking period is complete, or just foil halfway in. Anyway, everyone really enjoyed the meal. Here's a pic:


