Kingsford original 2x20 on sale @home depot.


Jacob Bonness

TVWBB Member
Sorry if this was posted already. Couldnt find any one else posts on this. $17.98 for 40lbs of charcoal. Isn't bad isn't great. Hopefully itll show up for $9.99 again one day but I think those days are long behind us

If everyone quits buying it for a while, prices will come down. Right now demand is out stripping supply so there is no reason for stores or supplies to drop their prices.
See my post for Charcoal Sales. Our HD showed 12 in stock of the 2 x 20 KBB the other day but did not physically have them in the store. The sold me 3 x 2 x 16 for the price of 2. Maybe in stock in your HD.

Local HD still shows 2 x 20 in stock. Not going back to check. 😀
If everyone quits buying it for a while, prices will come down. Right now demand is out stripping supply so there is no reason for stores or supplies to drop their prices.
I doubt that prices will come down if people quit buying.

Not sure if anyone hunts, shoots, etc. Some ammo/powder was not available or was priced 3x or 4x more than it used to for quite awhile. Prices have come down some but will never be what it was a few years ago.
Certainly Bob. Supply is the other side the equation. If supplies go down, prices go up. But, yah, due to high inflation rates, we wont be seeing prices of three years ago on most everything.
My local HD shows 86 of these twin packs in stock. Not a great deal but I'll still get a few of them after work.
My store only had the twin 18s for this price but with a military discount that cut a 1.80 off the price so I bought 3 twin packs

