Kingsford Competition and long smokes.


Patrick Smith

New member
This weekend I did my first overnight/long smoke and I used Kingsford competition instead of regular kingsford that I have used for my chickens and other shorter smokes. Well I have come to the conclusion that competition is not the best thing to use for longer smokes. At the 8 hour mark of my butt cook I was completely out of coals and I had to pull the butt and finish it off wrapped in foil in the oven. That was a whole bag. I know its only 12 pounds, but it says it lasts the same as a regular kingsford bag on the comp bag. Needless to say I was a little cheezed off, but as this was my first butt cook all was forgiven.

Anyway, anyone else had this problem, or did I do something wrong?

P.S. It was a WSM 22.5" I was using for reference.
You are not alone Patrick, I too noticed that it does not burn as long as the original, but I think it may be intended for high heat cooks, and not long ones. I use it for grilling only and not for the WSM at all. It lights faster, and burns hotter, but I usually like the low and slow method. It gives me more time for beer.
Brand new to the WSM 22.5", but I also found the Competition to burn fast and hot. Finally did ribs over the weekend, put 1/2 bag in, did the minion method, but only used about 10 coals, put them in with about 50% ash covering. Once the temp reached 180', I closed all bottom vents 100%, still went up to 250-275, but did burn well for 5 hours with some black left on the coals. Think I'll try Rancher and see what happens.
Perhaps using the competition briquettes is a good idea for your starter coals when using the minion method (perhaps) but other than that burning hotter and faster doesn't seem to fit with the low and slow mantra.

Use them for grilling and stick with old faithful in the WSM.
OK good so its not user error.

I really love the competition stuff for grilling it gives an amazing heat for searing and the flavor is nice too. Guess its back to the regular blue bag for smoking though.
I've not tracked the kingsford comp on this board, but having used it I am not impressed. I bought several bags thinking it was the best but have come to realzie, I dont' like it. The burn is fast and doesn't last very long and is expensive. Once my stock is gone, i wont buy it again

