Kingsford Charcoal Problems?

I think you’ve nailed the root cause of your fire problem - moisture absorption, and not necessarily the charcoal you used.

I haven’t purchased KBB in a long time, and I recently have been considering going back to it for longer cooks. Royal Oak and B&B have been my go to briquettes over the past couple of years. I switched to them because of their “all natural” claims. Both burn very cleanly and hot, but Royal Oak briquettes are tiny and burn very VERY quickly (I believe they’ll give jet fuel and nitromethane a run for the money); and while B&B briquettes are larger and burn more slowly I’ve observed that leftover briquettes crumble down to nothing after exposure to heat - even when they appear unburned.

For the past two years I’ve purchased my charcoal exclusively at Academy and Walmart - B&B briquettes and lump at Academy and Royal Oak at Walmart. But I miss the consistent long burn of KBB and am going to try a couple bags for my longer mid-range and low n slows.

I loaded up on some Kingsford competition from a junk/salvage store down in Carrollton a few months ago, as they had it for a great price. Burns great, very hot, but unfortunately very fast. I can’t think of a single use case (for me) that it’s good for, so once I go through the last couple of bags I definitely won’t buy it again.

