King Oyster Mushroom "Scallops" and Asparagus



TVWBB Super Fan
Well I wanted to get all chefy the other night, and it was just me at my house that was going to eat, so I took my time and enjoyed making something new off the top of my head! I have done these mushrooms like this before and I love them. They really are like scallops, especially if you let them stay a LONG time in the fish sauce marinade. That marinade is soy sauce, sugar, fish sauce, minced garlic, dried thai chiles, a bit of Sriracha, rice wine vinegar, bit of veggie oil (wanted it to be neutral tasting, not olive oil like), salt and pepper. I let them sit there for about four hours so it moved in them deep.

Grilled them on the gasser and topped them with salmon roe and drizzled with balsamic glaze, all rested on top of some baby arugula. Did some roasted asparagus on the side that was topped with toasted pine nuts and dusted with freshly grated parmesan. It was really really good and not the gut bombs I am use ot eating. I actually think I slept better since I wasn't completely stuffed! If ya run across these mushrooms ever get them, they are great.


Here's a picture of the gasser before I grilled. It was only left uncovered one day and look at all the pollen. Rough stuff for sure.


I have my dad to thank for all these ingredients BTW, he and I went out and he loaded me up with some cool stuff. Great dad, he helps me so much.
Well I usually load up too at night since it's usually my only real meal of the day, but gotta say going light was nice! That said, probably won't happen again for, oh, I'd say at least........ A month maybe?!?! Haha, got some ground beef and hotdogs that needs using up tonight.
BTW, some of those dark lines on the scallops are the grill marks and not just balsamic glaze. I really let them get dark and almost get to burnt marks, and that really helped with that really meaty taste and helped the texture of the crust. They can take the heat so sear 'em hard if you try this with king oyster mushrooms. These would probably be as good or better in a pan on the grill to, or even the stove top, since you could sear them in butter and they'd be constant bathed in it, and you can't do that with grates. You do get them awesome lines on them with grates though, so tit for tat on that one! Ha.

