Keeping the heat down


Jeff Wildrick

The last two times I've used my Stoker I've had a hard time keeping the heat down.

For instance, on my most recent cook I was doing two boneless pork butts. I started Minion method, and the WSM slowly came up to my target temp of 225. The fan kicked off, and about twenty minutes later I kicked the target temp up to 250. The fan kicked in again, and shut off at 250. But the temp just kept rising. Ultimately it leveled off at about 285. The fan never came on again.

I closed the top vents to about 25% and this brought it down to about 275.

I was using a dry, foiled water pan.

I've checked for air leaks around the door, and it looks snug.

Do I need some kind of heat sink? Back to water? Try clay pot?

I'm open to suggestions. My pork butts were done in only about 8 hours - but I was sound asleep at the time, so they didn't get taken off the WSM for two more hours after that. Came out a bit dry, but tasty.

I used to have this problem when I was just foiling the water pan. I now use a foiled clay pot base and haven't had the problem. I also run my top vent about half closed.

The only time I use water anymore is if I need to keep the heat below 200°F when I am smoking bacon.
On my 18" WSM I keep the top vent open 25%. IIRC that's what the Stoker folks recommend.

I foil my water pan & use water. I can maintain 230 all day.

