K.I.S.S. fire


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I was trapped at the MIL's house for a few days, so I downloaded LOW and SLOW by Gary Wiviott and read it. When I got back, I made a fire like he describes in the book. I wasn't sure I could get to and maintain 325* (for Thurs' T-Bird), so I found a roast recipe requiring 325* and fired up the WSM using the method described in the book. My conclusion: It works. I've not had a fire burn so clean so early in the cook before. ...and with a terra cotta saucer in the dry pan, I roasted at 325* without an issues. :wsm:
I do my briskets at 325F, with no problem. I also do chicken wings at 350F, and crisp them up at 375F+ on my 22 1/2" WSM, though I do have to play a bit to keep the temperature that high.

I also downloaded Low And Slow, but haven't fired up the WSM yet. (Just got it yesterday). Gary comes off a bit of a know-it-all-*** with a my-way-or-the-highway mentality. But, I'll follow his steps to a T while I'm cooking my way through the 5 lessons.

