Just started first cook with NEW Stoker! (Pics Added)


Steve Burch

Just got my Stoker and am finally trying it out. On the WSM are two butts weighing in at 17 lbs. combined weight. they are both on the top grate.

Recipe is Mr. Brown from this site.

I'll post updates as the cook progresses.

So far, 10 min in... all is well.
About 1.5 hours in....

Seems as though the pit temp probe and the Tel-Tru gauge mounted in the lid are pretty far off. I've always gone by lid temps. Seems that the Stoker pit probe and lid temps are almost 50 degrees off.

I should have checked the probe before starting the cook I guess!

I'm going my approx lid temps (measured on the Tel-Tru) as they have always turned out GREAT BBQ in the past!
Make sure the butts aren't touching the pit probe. Grate temps will be a little lower than lid, but not 50 degrees.
You could also clip your Stoker pit probe to your Tel-Tru if you are more comfortable going by lid temps.
Also, keep that top vent at about 50% open. Makes it easier for the Stoker to maintain your target temp and not overshoot it.

Did pot roast for the first time tonight. Good stuff!

Enjoy your Stoker! It certainly makes it easy to maintain temps.
Well, I Love the Stoker! I woke up at 1:15AM and had to check on the pit. Temp was RIGHT where it was at 8pm.

Woke up at 6:30 and the coals were getting low and pit temp was about 215. Added some more lump and everything is good again.

Forgot to mention that overnight temps were in the low 20s, but clear and calm.
Hello Steve...

That's Awesome!!.. Your going to love it!.
I have used mine on several cooks now from Ribs to Pork shoulder to Chicken. It is very reliable and welcomed by the whole family. My wife loves the idea that now she doesn't have to hear me going up and down the stairs throughout the night checking the WSM temp. And I can finally get a descent nights sleep!. As mentioned, please post some pics when you are complete the cook.
As for the 50degree temp difference in lid to grate.... I noticed the same thing when I first fired mine up. Makes me wonder on how low and slow I really was cooking. Your next mod should be the clay saucer in the waterpan. You will save tons of fuel with this mod.

Happy Q'ing...

Darren H
I'll have to get a clay pot to use. Now, I have a foiled pan, with foil balls in it, covered with more foil. As long as I have fuel, the temps have been rock solid!

I didn't actually go through a whole lot of fuel. Maybe 10-12 lbs. of Royal Oak lump.

It's 9:15am and the butts are just over 190. I'll be pulling them soon and then it's wrap in foil for a sit in the cooler for a couple hours.

I should be having a great lunch today!
Removed the butts from the smoker at 11am. Meat temp was 195-198 in different parts of both butts.

They are foiled and resting in a cooler wrapped in towels right now. I'll pull them in two hours or so.

I see a LOT more BBQ happening with the Stoker! It makes it SO nice to "set it and forget it" Even in the 20 degree temps overnight and this AM, I went 12 hours on a load of lump before the temp started dropping.

I'll add pics later on... I took a few at various points in the cook.

While the butts were finishing up this morning, I went to Walmart to get some food saver bags and found a 14" clay pot base there... I'll try it on the next smoke (which I may do tomorrow!!)
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Steve Burch:
Here are some pics. Sorry it took so long. They aren't the best as I'm no photographer... but you get the idea!


They look good to me!
Looks good. Haven't got the $$ together for a stoker yet. I noticed the stoker pit probe was close to edge of the WSM. I'm curious why you put it there. Usually (for me) the perimieter of the grates is the hottest. I would assume one would put it closer to the meat. Just wondering. Looks great & we love Disney Playhouse here too!
I see you used extensions to get the stoker inside AND your extension connections were in a cooler...did u put a hot water jug in there or something?

Great job!! I love the Stoker.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jim Smithson:
I see you used extensions to get the stoker inside AND your extension connections were in a cooler...did u put a hot water jug in there or something?

My wife had two of these bean filled "hot pads" that you microwave for like three minuted and then they give off heat over an hour or so. I put two of them in there with towels to keep the connectors warm. It got below 20 degrees overnight here during the cook and I was worried about false readings so I did it as a precaution.

The extension I used was a 25' radio shack 1/4" stereo extension and then I used a radio shack Y adapter that was also 1/4" stereo. It worked just fine. i have to get another Y for my food probe though.

As for hotter temps on the outside of the grates... My stoker was actually reading LOW compared to the Tru_temp Lid thermo that I had always went by. That reminds me... I better check both to see which is accurate cause I'm firing up the cooker tomorrow AM for some BRITU ribs!

